Welcome to this focus on one of the 18 heroes from Altered core set (Beyond the Gates). We will review the hero power of this Muna’s Exalt and then present the different types of deck we can build around it.
If you haven’t read it yet, you might be interested to know more about the Muna Faction and their overall mechanic with their dedicated article : Marching into Muna. Teija is the starter hero for Muna. Don’t be scared by this big fox, we will see how to handle her and what is good with them.
Hero Power
The first Character you play each Afternoon gains 1 boost. A boost is a +1/+1/+1 counter. Remove it when it leaves the Expedition zone.”
This straight up power gives boost to the first character you play. It would mean to instantly show where you’ll put your power. This mechanic is a straight up playstyle but trust me you can still use it in different ways.
Cards that fit well this playstyle
One way to maximize the effectiveness of the boost would be to play it on an anchored character. That way the boost in stats stays for one more turn. We often want to play plants also with Muna and playing some low cost anchored characters like Sneezer Shroom or Spindle Harvesters looks really appealing.
Also, another way of taking advantage of the boost would be to play it on a seasoned character or a gigantic one. However, Muna only has 1 character that have one of the stated, Son of Yggdrasil.
In the next part, we will dive in the different archetypes that can be built around Teija.
Archetypes around Teija.
An improved starter deck
Starter decks are a good way to introduce yourself to the game but because of the few rares in them, they often lack of raw power against custom deck. The idea here is to stay as close as possible to the starter deck while switching some commons to rares. This way, the deck should stay affordable to make if you already have the starter.
This starter is focused really gives you a feel on the anchored characters and the way you want them to be played. Some thing we didn’t mention is that with Muna you want to keep stuff on the board.
With this list, you’ll try to anchor stuff everyday and keep them, playing the Spindle, Muna bastion can be really relevant in some games !
Dirsupt-eija 😮
Here, we will try to hold the game with the boost while disrupting our opponent. The purpose is to lower their ressources and then make better turns than what they can have.
Often, it will go down to top decks with this kind of strategy, so if your cards are better, then it is should not be a problem.
Ramping in the meadow
All we are looking for is mana and ways to play cards earlier. Therefore this list has been built to enhance that.
All the possible cards that can give you some form of ramp are in there. The objective is simple, have a weak early game and crush your opponent with a fast Hydracaena or a huge Son of Yggdrasil.
Thank you for reading this focus on this Exalt. We hope you read some stuff that might interest you and you’ve found some lists that enhance your will to play this awesome game.
We remind you that these lists are just hands on and are not optimized, we really encourage you to try things on your own with what you have and want to play. That way you’ll find some interesting stuff that suits you great!
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