Welcome to this focus on one of the 18 heroes from Altered’s core set (Beyond the Gates). We will review the hero power of this Ordis Exalt. I will present some cards that fit well with this hero and finally different types of decks we can build around it.
If you haven’t read it yet, you might be interested to know more about the Ordis Faction and their overall mechanics with the Opening Up Ordis Article. Sigismar, sigismar, sigismar… what a bane that came into Altered. This hero is a straight up aggressive hero with a lot of powerful cards that sustain the gameplans he tries to set up. He leads the pace of games and is really hard to counter or come out as strong as he is.
Hero power
At Noon — Create an Ordis Recruit 1/1/1 Soldier token in your Hero Expedition.”
Coming right away. Sigismar has a 1/1/1 body every day for the whole game. This might not look that strong at first look, but once you play against them, you’ll understand how strong that is. First of all, you cannot set anything up without losing tempo against that token. Also, it helps with most of the Ordis cards that want to go that way. Against Sigismar, you always need to play something facing the token otherwise you lose an expedition without them even flinching. Well, I just cited all the strong parts when facing it so you might realize how powerful that is.
Cards that fit well with this playstyle
Going with the token you can go multiple ways. The token can be a good tool to go aggro or to go slow and steady. Cards that benefit bodies on the board are always useful such as Monolith, Ordis Bastion. The token then becomes a 2/2/2 every turn once set up. Also he is the catalyst that might help you remove big stuff with Sticky Note Seals and win just by controlling your opponent. Aiming for other directions, all the aggro cards can really fit well in this playstyle. A Frog Prince can help you seal the game or take an advance faster!
Archetypes around Sigismar
Enhanced starter deck
Taking the starter deck from Sigismar, we will try to improve the overall mechanic of tokens the devs tried to instill in the deck.
With this already very strong starter, we will try to at least trade in the early game and wait for the mid game to set-up some strong turn to get the advantage. Don’t be afraid to lose some expeditions when playing the Monolith, Ordis Bastion, as your later turns will be a lot stronger.
Starting Blocks
We will go faaast !!! 😀
Alright, with this list, all we want to do is go faaast, we have a lot of aggressive card with a few reactive cards to handle what our opponent is doing. But basically, we will go straight forward as our power suggests.
Cosplaying Akesha
One way that we talked about before, is that we can also play with this hero in more of a control way. Doing this would be able to play as an Yzmir player, by that, i mean winning expeditions with very few bodies on the board just by dealing with our opponent’s board.
I might have pushed this a little too far, but in this deck we will cosplay as Akesha. Playing with Baba’s Isba, we basically have Akesha’s power. However, this can be used in multiple ways as you can sometimes keep your token to win an expedition.
Thank you for reading this focus on this Exalt. We hope you read some stuff that might interest you and you’ve found some lists that enhance your will to play this awesome game.
We remind you that these lists are just hands on and are not optimized, we really encourage you to try things on your own with what you have and want to play. That way you’ll find some interesting stuff that suits you great!
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You can also check this video (in French) to learn more about Sigismar :
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