Gulrang & Tocsin

Gulrang and Tocsin

Welcome to this focus on one of the 18 heroes from Altered’s core set (Beyond the Gates). We will review the hero power of this Ordis Exalt. I will present some cards that fit well with this hero and finally different types of decks we can build around it.

If you haven’t read it yet, you might be interested to know more about the Ordis Faction and their overall mechanics with the Opening Up Ordis Article. Gulrang is the immovable wall holding the front line of the expeditions. Gulrang is the definition of control and late game with on board stats in Altered, they reach their maximum potential once you get in the late, so be careful as the turtle might cross the line before the rabbit…

Hero power

Treyst and Rossum Hero Card
Image from Altered TCG, Equinox property

When you create a token Character — It gains 1 boost.
If you have less than eight Mana Orbs, Boosted tokens you control are Defender. Their Expeditions can’t advance during Dusk.”

As I said, slow and steady. Ordis is based on tokens most of the time and Gulrang benefits from creating them. With this power, you’ll probably want to create tokens most of the time but also not so much in early if you want to keep up with your opponent. That’s why different playstyles can be used with her. Some want to go full on tokens and to start really playing when they reach 8 mana, some want to keep up and use tokens to close the game but not to get too far behind.

Cards that fit well with this playstyle

As we said, we want to commit to our synergies using tokens, but the difference in the decks will be the amount of token generation you will put in. The Ordis Carrier is a basic strong card with her, this enhances her power but be careful as before 8 mana you’ll only be able to advance on one side. Some good cards that I like with Gulrang & Tocsin are Open the Gates and Jeanne d’Arc, they have a huge advantage creating a lot of value, but these cards are late, so you’ll need to hold the early game.

Image from Altered TCG, Equinox property.
Image from Altered TCG, Equinox property.
Image from Altered TCG, Equinox property.

Archetypes around Gulrang

Starting with the tokens

The basics of Gulrang are to manage the resources and first the token generation. The list suggested here will be focused on both aspects as we will have token generation but also cards to not get far behind in the early game. Our costly cards will be used to win both expeditions once we reach the lategame and you can play it without being too senstive to what your opponent might play.


Gulrang & Tocsin x 1
Gulrang & Tocsin


Paper Herald x 3
Paper Herald
Ordis Trooper x 3
Ordis Trooper
Ordis Cadets x 3
Ordis Cadets
Monolith Legate x 3
Monolith Legate
Ozma x 3
Ordis Gatekeeper x 3
Ordis Gatekeeper
Ordis Spy x 3
Ordis Spy
Ordis Attorney x 3
Ordis Attorney
Jeanne d'Arc x 3
Jeanne d'Arc
Thoth x 3


Teamwork Training x 3
Teamwork Training
Open the Gates x 3
Open the Gates


Ordis Carrier x 3
Ordis Carrier

Slow slow slooowwww

Slow and steady, but mostly slow, this deck will try to win the long long game. The hard part with this will be to not get behind in the early game. But the late game will come strong as we create tokens in many forms. Try to get to that late part and flood the opponent with that!


Gulrang & Tocsin x 1
Gulrang & Tocsin


Haven Trainee x 3
Haven Trainee
Paper Herald x 3
Paper Herald
Ordis Cadets x 3
Ordis Cadets
Monolith Archivist x 3
Monolith Archivist
Ozma x 3
Ordis Gatekeeper x 3
Ordis Gatekeeper
Jeanne d'Arc x 3
Jeanne d'Arc
Issitoq x 3
Thoth x 3


Teamwork Training x 3
Teamwork Training
Sticky Note Seals x 3
Sticky Note Seals
Open the Gates x 3
Open the Gates


Ordis Carrier x 3
Ordis Carrier

The variety is within the rares

Alright, what is it with this meta title? Well, Gulrang is somehow always built the same, as the gameplan will always be somewhat similar to what we know. So this list and title are focused on giving you the hints I think are necessary to build a better Gulrang deck.

What will change in this type of list are mostly the rares slots. They are very flexible and you can try many different things. In this list we will try some draw and some strong bodies to keep up with the opponent.


Gulrang & Tocsin x 1
Gulrang & Tocsin


Haven Warrior x 3
Haven Warrior
Paper Herald x 3
Paper Herald
Ordis Trooper x 3
Ordis Trooper
Ordis Cadets x 3
Ordis Cadets
Monolith Legate x 3
Monolith Legate
Ozma x 3
Ordis Gatekeeper x 3
Ordis Gatekeeper
Jeanne d'Arc x 3
Jeanne d'Arc
Robin Hood x 2
Robin Hood
Thoth x 3
Baba Yaga x 3
Baba Yaga


Teamwork Training x 3
Teamwork Training
Sticky Note Seals x 2
Sticky Note Seals


Ordis Carrier x 2
Ordis Carrier

Thank you for reading this focus on this Exalt. We hope you read some stuff that might interest you and you’ve found some lists that enhance your will to play this awesome game.
We remind you that these lists are just hands on and are not optimized, we really encourage you to try things on your own with what you have and want to play. That way you’ll find some interesting stuff that suits you great!

If you like this article, feel free to check out our other articles

You can also check this video (in French) to learn more about Gulrang :

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  • JoliRougeGorge

    Hey ! I'm a little bird hovering in the Altered world. I write articles, play a lot and try to help the team as much as i can. Hop on the hype train with the ExAlts !

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By JoliRougeGorge

Hey ! I'm a little bird hovering in the Altered world. I write articles, play a lot and try to help the team as much as i can. Hop on the hype train with the ExAlts !