Welcome to this focus on one of the 18 heroes from Altered’s core set (Beyond the Gates). We will review the hero power of this Yzmir Exalt. I will present some cards that fit well with this hero and finally different types of decks we can build around it.
If you haven’t read it yet, you might be interested to know more about the Yzmir Faction and their overall mechanics with the Yearning for Yzmir article. Afanas the one-eyed granpa… The almost kraken killer… We will dive in the mechanics around this hero and what makes him really powerful in the Yzmir faction. We will love to play a lot of small cost spells !
Hero power
When you play a Spell — Target Character you control gains 1 boost. (Do this after the spell resolves. A boost is a +1/+1/+1 counter. Remove it when it leaves the Expedition zone.)”
Channeling all his power through his spell to help his allies reaching through the landscapes, that is what Afanas tends to do, he will empower the characters everytime he plays a spell. So we need twi things to use them at their best, a character on board that can use the boost well and to cast spells as much as we can and need to.
We will really benefit from anchored characters or seasoned ones, but this can also become a disdvantage.
Cards that fit well with this playstyle
Diving in our synergies, we will like to play a lot of low cost spells, but to get those spells in hand and have many cards to play Magical Training does great at both. Enabling to draw and gives a boost. in the same idea, but as a low cost spell, we might instantly think of Helping Hand as this gives a boost and removes fleeting, helping us in card advantage as well as providing a lot of power for 1 mana. In the end, we want to optimize the boosts for example playing them on a Bravos Bladedancer so we maximize our power.
Archetypes around Afanas
Maxer Booster
The most rewarding plan for Afanas is to maximize the boosts we give. In this list we will go all in on the boost maximization and with some draws that are mandatory for him. The plan is to grow big characters and even to anchor them if we can.
All low all good
Emphasizing the power of low cost card is very strong in Afanas as he gains a lot of power from playing a lot of cards, even characters in the way that he can manage his boost as he pleases. We will even put the Ordis Carrier to be sure to have a body on which we can put the boosts.
Cycling the annoyers
In this funny idea, we will try to take advantage of the fact that Helping Hand is almost always put in those decks and use it as a recycler for our annoying cards. The laters are the cards that have an arrow effect or a passive effect on board that can be very disturbing for your opponents plan. This rather fun than competitive.
Thank you for reading this focus on this Exalt. We hope you read some stuff that might interest you and you’ve found some lists that enhance your will to play this awesome game.
We remind you that these lists are just hands on and are not optimized, we really encourage you to try things on your own with what you have and want to play. That way you’ll find some interesting stuff that suits you great!
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