Subhash & Marmo

Subhash and Marmo

Welcome to this focus on one of the 18 heroes from Altered’s core set (Beyond the Gates). We will review the hero power of this Axiom Exalt. I will then present some cards fitting well with this hero and finally different types of deck we can build around it.

If you haven’t read it yet, you might be interested to know more about the Axiom Faction and their overall mechanic with the Adventuring Through Axiom Article. Subhash has a very aggressive way of playing, you can put stuff in your reserve to get more stats at Noon. Therefore it also means managing your cards differently and valuing the reserve.

Hero Power

Subhash and Marmo Hero Card
Image from Altered TCG, Equinox property

At Noon — You may pay and put a card from your hand in Reserve to create a Brassbug 2/2/2 Robot token in target Expedition.

This power looks like a really aggressive one. You trade off some card advantage to have 2/2/2 worth of stats at noon on the board. This can also be seen as a way to gain tempo in the early game without playing that many cards.

Cards that fit well with this playstyle

With Subhash’s ability, we often tend to have an aggressive playstyle, so big stats cards will often find their way in the deck. Also, we will need a lot of card advantage via resupply or draw if we don’t want to run out of ressources.

Starting with an obvious choice, Haven, Bravos Bastion grants a lot of power as you’ll play a lot of cards from reserve. We will need a lot of card advantage, and Ada Lovelace really fits this part. Also, reserve effects will be very good and easy to activate, for example Tinker Bell has good stats for a sabotage when played from reserve.

Image from Altered TCG, Equinox property
Image from Altered TCG, Equinox property
Image from Altered TCG, Equinox property

Archetypes around Subhash

Starting with resource managing and aggressive playstyle

With this basic deck, you’ll learn how to handle your ressources and have an aggressive playstyle, dictated by Subhash’s power.

As subhash encourages an aggressive playstyle, this list contains a lot of low cost cards that suit this plan, you are here to overwhelm your opponent early and carry the lead through the game.


Subhash & Marmo x 1
Subhash & Marmo


Kelon Elemental x 2
Kelon Elemental
Foundry Engineer x 3
Foundry Engineer
Ogun x 3
Axiom Salvager x 3
Axiom Salvager
Amelia Earhart x 3
Amelia Earhart
Ada Lovelace x 3
Ada Lovelace
Coppélia x 3
Foundry Armorer x 3
Foundry Armorer
Bravos Tracer x 3
Bravos Tracer
Bravos Vanguard x 3
Bravos Vanguard


Boom! x 2
Kelon Burst x 2
Kelon Burst


Axiom Reprocessor x 3
Axiom Reprocessor
Haven, Bravos Bastion x 3
Haven, Bravos Bastion

Late Game Bash

In this take, we will mostly use our power to support the early game and have a shot to get to the late game ! That way we will rely on some later threats that need to be handled like the Hive and also some other disruptive effects like Kraken’s Wrath that can turn the tides.


Subhash & Marmo x 1
Subhash & Marmo


Kelon Elemental x 3
Kelon Elemental
Ogun x 3
Foundry Mechanic x 3
Foundry Mechanic
Axiom Salvager x 3
Axiom Salvager
Amelia Earhart x 3
Amelia Earhart
Foundry Armorer x 3
Foundry Armorer
Dr. Frankenstein x 3
Dr. Frankenstein
Athena x 1
Ouroboros Inkcaster x 3
Ouroboros Inkcaster
Inari x 2
Monolith Rune-Scribe x 2
Monolith Rune-Scribe


Boom! x 3
Kraken's Wrath x 2
Kraken's Wrath


Axiom Reprocessor x 2
Axiom Reprocessor
Brassbug Hive x 3
Brassbug Hive


Taking another way around this hero, the goal here is to make your opponent suffer from the lack of cards in their hands. We will try to have a plan and have a lot of disrupt cards, enabling our from reserve effect with our Exalt’s power.

We are also hoping to have less card disadvantage. As permanents and Fleeting spells can only be played once, if you put them in reserve you don’t lose more card advantage than these cards already do.


Subhash & Marmo x 1
Subhash & Marmo


Kelon Elemental x 3
Kelon Elemental
Tinker Bell x 3
Tinker Bell
Amelia Earhart x 3
Amelia Earhart
Coppélia x 3
Axiom Scrambler x 2
Axiom Scrambler
Foundry Armorer x 3
Foundry Armorer
Dr. Frankenstein x 2
Dr. Frankenstein
Haven Bouncer x 2
Haven Bouncer
Baku x 3


Boom! x 3
Mechanical Training x 2
Mechanical Training
Kelon Burst x 2
Kelon Burst
Kraken's Wrath x 2
Kraken's Wrath


Armored Jammer x 3
Armored Jammer
Haven, Bravos Bastion x 3
Haven, Bravos Bastion

Thank you for reading this focus on this Exalt. We hope you read some stuff that might interest you and you’ve found some lists that enhance your will to play this awesome game.
We remind you that these lists are just hands on and are not optimized, we really encourage you to try things on your own with what you have and want to play. That way you’ll find some interesting stuff that suits you great!

If you like this article, feel free to check out our other articles

You can also check this video (in French) to learn more about Subhash:

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  • JoliRougeGorge

    Hey ! I'm a little bird hovering in the Altered world. I write articles, play a lot and try to help the team as much as i can. Hop on the hype train with the ExAlts !

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By JoliRougeGorge

Hey ! I'm a little bird hovering in the Altered world. I write articles, play a lot and try to help the team as much as i can. Hop on the hype train with the ExAlts !