Welcome to this focus on one of the 18 heroes from Altered’s core set (Beyond the Gates). We will review the hero power of this Lyra Exalt. I will then present the different types of deck we can build around it.
If you haven’t read it yet, you might be interested to know more about the Yzmir Faction and their overall mechanic with the Yearning for Yzmir article. Akesha is the base Yzmir hero, she allows you to be reactive all game empowering these types of cards.
Hero Power
: After You. You can only activate this if you are the first player. (End your turn as if you had played a card. You may still play cards later this Day.)”
That is an interesting power that is mostly oriented to control the game and your opponent. In Altered, being the second player is often a benefit as you can change your plans according to what they do. You can match or overpass the stats that they put up front on the board.
Therefore this power allows you to be reactive ! You can also delay it for the day, because you might first want to do something else, sabotage the opponent or remove something scary like a Monolith or an Hydracaena. We’ll see how to deal with all of this.
Cards that fit well with this playstyle
There are a few ways to play some reactive card. Strangely all cards and bodies can be reactive, the thing needed is mostly to surpass your opponent on the biomes, therefore a Kadigirian Alchemist can do the job pretty well with some nice stats from hand. Also, some cards that have strong effect to remove characters from the board like Dorothy Gale or Off You Go! find all their meaning in a deck centered around Akesha.
With these even some small characters can win an expedition because you’d have remove everything on the other side !
Archetypes around Akesha
Improved Starter deck
Getting to know our Exalts, that should be it. With this deck, you’ll try to get the hang out of using your hero power and responding at what your opponent does. That was you’ll end up winning the late game by responding to any threat you might face !
Exploring the huge tower
Here we’re taking a very specific and fun direction. The huge tower i’m talking about is the Kadigir, Yzmir Bastion and all our deck revolves around it. The purpose in the early game is to stall enough and to get to the part where you can play the bastion without the fear of loosing it. In this way, reducing your opponents resources with sabotage or Baku is a very efficient way to reduce the response they can have against it.
Smaller and Bigger brothers unite
Taru is coming along with his family members the Moonlight Jellyfish and The Kraken. These two happen to work well together. The fact that you have an after you also helps you to play around the potential removals that can target the bigger one. Therefore you’ll use it to tempo as much and to be able to play it without fearing it being removed. Let all those sea beast (and plush) unleash upon your opponent !
Thank you for reading this focus on this Exalt. We hope you read some stuff that might interest you and you’ve found some lists that enhance your will to play this awesome game.
We remind you that these lists are just hands on and are not optimized, we really encourage you to try things on your own with what you have and want to play. That way you’ll find some interesting stuff that suits you great!
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