Welcome to this focus on one of the 18 heroes from Altered’s core set (Beyond the Gates). We will review the hero power of this Lyra Exalt. I will then present the different types of deck we can build around it.
If you haven’t read it yet, you might be interested to know more about the Yzmir Faction and their overall mechanic with the Yearning for Yzmir article. Lindiwe our master of sacrifice. We will get to know what she does before you get thrown in the flaming cauldron…
Hero Power
: Create a Maw 0/0/0 Companion token in your Companion Expedition with “When you sacrifice a Character — I gain 2 boosts”. This action costs 1 more if you are not the first player.”
Summoning her companion right on the board to enhance her power, this is what she does. This exalt realies a lot on sacrificing character as this grants a huge load of stats when you do. Therefore we need characters we are willing to sacrifice and cards that can help us starting our sacrificing ritual.
Cards that fit well with this playstyle
So basically i suggested some points to take advantage of our hero the most. Maw benefits from sacrificing stuff, the Moonlight Jellyfish is a perfect fit with them. You have a small character that doesn’t get the full negative effect of being sacrificed. To get a lot of option and also a very good card for this playstyle, Gift of Self is a very good option to dig in your deck and to find all the cards that revolves around your strategy, you can also use Maw to sacrifice them at first if you just want to draw a lot. At last, tokens are always good target to sacrifice, therefore the Ordis Carrier is a good option to always have something on the board to use for your dark magic.
Archetypes around Lindiwe
Get all the sacrifice you need
To enhance and take advantage of our hero power, we will take a lot of draw and a lot of cards that sacrifice. This way, you can use Maw as a dissuasive token for your opponent.
Big guys and hard answers
Here’s my take on this hero, as Maw is a strong character on their own, we need to take advantage of it to keep up with our opponent no matter how hard they rush. Therefore, we can get to late game quite easily then afterward we need to make the difference, in that case the big guys like The Kraken, Issitoq or Sakarabru can help with that.
Heavy contrawl
Coming as the gimmick i like a lot in Yzmir, i want to emphasize the control power this faction can have. Through Lindiwe we can use maw and the sacrifices to either do after yous or to keep up in the early game. Therefore we can build a plan revolving around the heavy spells and control we can get.
Thank you for reading this focus on this Exalt. We hope you read some stuff that might interest you and you’ve found some lists that enhance your will to play this awesome game.
We remind you that these lists are just hands on and are not optimized, we really encourage you to try things on your own with what you have and want to play. That way you’ll find some interesting stuff that suits you great!
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