Welcome to this focus on one of the 18 heroes from Altered core set (Beyond the Gates). We will review the hero power of this Muna’s Exalt and then present the different types of deck we can build around it.
If you haven’t read it yet, you might be interested to know more about the Muna Faction and their overall mechanic with their dedicated article : Marching into Muna. Arjun & Spike wants to use the ground to make magnificient seeds sprout and blossom as they want to take care of them and anchor them on the board. This Exalt has a lot of the Muna taste to it !
Hero Power
, Discard a card from your Reserve: the next Character you play this turn with Hand Cost 3 or less gains Anchored. (During Rest, it doesn’t go to Reserve and it loses Anchored.)“
The anchoring masters are here. Their playstyle is a lot different and relies on anchoring cards that have good effects when they stick to the board. However, using their power consumes some cards. Therefore, we will need to play a lot of card advantage and to put stuff in the reserve to be able to use it optimally.
Cards that fit well this playstyle
Strong bodies, low card advantage. Let’s see what we can aim for. Definitely all 3 mana cards that don’t anchor themselves on play could definitely find a way to this type of playstyle. Also, cards that can generate card advantage such as Aloe Vera are strong choices for this hero.
In order to sustain our characters, we need to give them Tough. The Spindle, Muna Bastion finds his right place in here as we will almost always have something anchored susceptible to removals. Finally, some spells that can put cards in your reserve are good choices, Harvest is an obvious choice but A Cappela Training is also a good choice as it doesn’t have fleeting !
In the next part, we will dive in some of the archetypes that can be built around Arjun.
Archetypes around Arjun
Arjun okay ?
For this specific Exalt i struggled to find many different ways to build them. It is not an easy task, however we will start with some basics and see with the other lists what can be changed with that.
One tough thing with Arjun, is having enough ressources for the long run. This is not an easy task but with some card drawing or resupply this should be often enough.
Arjun CONTROL ?!?
This is some wild stuff i tried testing. The first idea is that A Capella Training is a good control tool aswell as a good enabler for Arjun’s ability. After looking through this, this might be the only thing that really suits the plan, but now that i got your hopes up let’s just drop this list here… x)
Never Ending Arjun
Just to have an other point of view around Arjun’s gamestyle. This list suggest other cards that allows to never run dry on cards. And being able to anchor stuff when you want to.
Thank you for reading this focus on this Exalt. We hope you read some stuff that might interest you and you’ve found some lists that enhance your will to play this awesome game.
We remind you that these lists are just hands on and are not optimized, we really encourage you to try things on your own with what you have and want to play. That way you’ll find some interesting stuff that suits you great!
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