Welcome to the exalts website !

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Dear everyone joining this site, thank you and welcome !
This is the ExAlts official website. We’ve been working on it for a couple of weeks and it is now available to you. We hope you will find content that will interest you.

On this website, you will be able to see our team life and our reflections around Altered. We will share with you our results in tournament, some guides for beginner and more in depth article about strategic subject.

Feel free to explore with us the depth of Altered’s universe

Read our amazing articles

Find some wonderful decklists

Use our awesome tools

Stay up on the next coming Events

All together, we thrive, finding the bliss of working and sprinting side by side. The joy of feeling the fresh air flowing through our hair, filling our lungs as the wind blows its sparkling breath and enhances the rythm we’ve set. Now, we are marching on the untraveled everchanging path, knowing we’ll find marvels alongside the wonders we stumble upon on our journey. Go, Run, fly, sprint, unite in the storm; all you’ve done will change the surroundings but you’re prepared to face it as you look beside you and see the raging will, inhabiting your companions, that pushes you onward.



By Moira

ExAlts member and Lyra enjoyer !! ^^

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