
Studious Disciple from Altered TCG

In this article, you’ll find definitions about some common terms in TCGs (Trading Card Games) and more specifically Altered. Those definitions aren’t flawless but give a preview of the concepts.


This section is about the main strategies in Altered. Note that a deck is never fully described by a single archetype. These are the main categories of decks:

Aggro : an aggressive deck whose goal is to win as early as possible.

Midrange : a deck whose goal is to win in the mid-game. This is an intermediate between Aggro and Control : you won’t get out of breath early nor wait for a long term set up.

Control : a very slow deck requiring some set up. The goal is to control your opponent and adapt your plays to their actions.

Combo : The deck is based on cards that synergies well together. The goal is to gather the combo pieces to win the game.

Disruption : The deck is based on depleting the opponent’s ressources and break down their combos.

Ramp : The main focus of this kind of deck is to gather as many ressources (here mana) as possible to play huge cards earlier.

Token : The focus of this deck is to play multiple token characters and flood the board with them.


Manaing : put a card in mana.

Removal : A card or effect which removes a card controlled by your opponent (character or permanent).

Card Advantage (create) : action generating more cards for you than your opponent. (for instance: you use one card to counter two cards of your opponent, or draw two cards from a single card effect)

Card Disadvantage (create) : action generating more card for your opponent than you. (for instance: you use two cards to counter one card of your opponent)

Value (create) : action that give you an advantage over your opponent. (regarding card, mana etc.)

Bounce : Send back to hand a card on the Board.

Board : The area of the game visible to everyone (here the expeditions, the reserves and the landmarks).

Topdeck : To draw or resupply the perfect card in your current situation.

Commit : To take a decision narrowing the possibility of play to one.

Highroll : To have luck in a random action.

Line of Play : A possible succession of action for the afternoon.

Rollback : Return to a previous state of the game due to a mistake. (Generally, a rule error)

Out of Play

Metagame : The overall knowledge of the game and it’s practices.

Mana Curve : The proportion of card by mana cost in your deck. If displays with a bar-graph, you should see a curve)

Deckbuilding : The creation and reflection leading to the construction of a deck.

Archetype : A category to describe a deck like “aggro”, “combo”, “disruptive” etc. They are meant to describe a deck goal easily.

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By Moira

ExAlts member and Lyra enjoyer !! ^^